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This is the KM3NeT-PP wiki main page in Pisa
Today is the 14 March 2025
- one KM3Net-PP: KM3NeT-PP Proposal (pdf) == [1]
- two == KM3Net-PP: "Annex I - �Description of Work� (pdf) == [2]
- three == KM3Net-PP: "BUDGET� (pdf) == [3]
- four == KM3Net-PP: "Signatures� (doc) == [4]
- five == KM3Net-PP: "WPB Composition� (pdf) == [5]
- six KM3Net-PP: required-supporting-documents-audit (pdf)==[[6]
- seven == KM3Net-PP: WPB composition and Emails (pdf) == [7]
- eight == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 16 meeting (pdf) == [8]
- nine == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 31 meeting (pdf) == [9]
- ten == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the June 29 meeting (pdf) == [10]
- eleven == KM3Net-PP: agenda of the ASC meeting - Athens March 15, 2010 (pdf) == [11]
== "link to the ANTARES internal wiki page� == [12]
== video clip of the deployment and ROV operations for the test of the INFN-NEMO Bar Structure == [13]
== "link to the ANTARES online event display� (use antares/sablette)' == [14]
== "link to a film on neutrinos == [15]
== "link to the NEMO home page� == [16]
== "link to the NESTOR home page� == [17]
== "Agenda of next KM3NeT meeting in Athens (March 30 - April 3 2009)� == [18]
== "link to the KM3NeT home page� == [19]
== "link to a neutrino astrophysics web site page� == [20]
== "link to flaminio's home page� (html) == [21]