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[[Image:leaningtower.jpg]]    \\\\\\\\\\\\        [[Image:LaSeyne.jpg]] '''View from La Seyne counting room  '''   
[[Image:leaningtower.jpg]]    \\\\\\\\\\\\        [[Image:LaSeyne.jpg]] ''' View from La Seyne counting room  '''   
=='''This is the KM3NeT-PP wiki main page in Pisa'''==
=='''This is the KM3NeT-PP wiki main page in Pisa'''==
''Today is the '' ''' ''{{CURRENTDAY}}'' '' {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}'' '' {{CURRENTYEAR}}'' '''
* one ''KM3Net-PP: KM3NeT-PP Proposal'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3NeT-PP-final.pdf]''
* two == ''KM3Net-PP: "Annex I - �Description of Work�'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3NeT-PP-Annex1_17august2009.pdf]''
* three == ''KM3Net-PP: "BUDGET�'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/Bilancio_KM3NeT-PP_INFN.pdf]''
* four == ''KM3Net-PP: "Signatures�'' ''(doc)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3NeT-PP-Annex1_Appendix.doc]''
* five == ''KM3Net-PP: "WPB Composition�'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/SPB_Composition.pdf]''
* six ''KM3Net-PP: required-supporting-documents-audit'' ''(pdf)''==''[[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/supporting-documents-audit.pdf]''
* seven == ''KM3Net-PP: WPB composition and Emails'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/members.pdf]''
''[[Today is the ]]'' ''' ''{{CURRENTDAY}}'' '' {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}'' '' {{CURRENTYEAR}}'' '''
* eight == ''KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 16 2009 WPB meeting '' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/Minutes_of_the_first_WPB_Coordination_meeting_March_16_09.pdf]''
== ''KM3Net-PP: "Annex I - “Description of Work”'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3NeT-PP-Annex1_23jun08.pdf ]''
* nine == ''KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 31 2009 WPB meeting'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/Minutes_of_the_second_WPB_Coordination_meeting_March_31_09.pdf]''
* one == ''KM3Net-PP: "BUDGET”'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/Bilancio_KM3NeT-PP_INFN.pdf]''
* ten == ''KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the June 29 WPB_ASC meeting'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/Minutes_KM3NeT_PP_WPB_ASC_meeting_June_29_09.pdf]''
* two == ''KM3Net-PP: "Signatures”'' ''(doc)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3NeT-PP-Annex1_Appendix.doc]''
* eleven == ''KM3Net-PP: agenda and presentations of the ASC meeting - Athens March 15, 2010 '' ''(pdf)'' == [http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/ath_asc_meet/Meeting_km3net_PP_ASC_March_2010.pdf]''
* three == ''KM3Net-PP: "SPB Composition”'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/SPB_Composition.pdf]''
* twelve == ''KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 15, 2010 WPB_ASC meeting'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3net_ASC_Minutes_March_15_2010.pdf]''
* four == ''KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 16 meeting'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/Minutes_of_the_first_WPB_Coordination_meeting_March_16_09.pdf]''
* thirteen == ''KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the July 7, 2010 WPB_ASC meeting'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3net_ASC_Minutes_July_7_2010.pdf]''
* five ''KM3Net-PP: KM3NeT-PP Proposal'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3NeT-PP-final.pdf]''
* fourteen == ''KM3Net-PP: WPB presentation at the October 18, 2010 Rome Meeting'' ''(pdf)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/KM3NeT_PP_Meeting_October_18_2010.pdf]''
* six ''KM3Net-PP: required-supporting-documents-audit'' ''(pdf)''==''[[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/supporting-documents-audit.pdf]''
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== ''"link to the ANTARES internal wiki page”'' == ''[http://antares.in2p3.fr/internal/dokuwiki/doku.php]''
== ''link to the ANTARES internal wiki page'' == ''[http://antares.in2p3.fr/internal/dokuwiki/doku.php]''
== ''video clip (mp4) of the deployment and ROV operations for the test of the INFN-NEMO Bar Structure (LNS repository)'' ==  ''[http://www.lns.infn.it/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=162]''
== ''video clip (mp4) of the deployment and ROV operations for the test of the INFN-NEMO Bar Structure (Pisa repository)'' ==  ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/NEMO2.mp4]''
== ''power point (PPTX) presentation showing the cruise with the RV Pelagia in December 2009  and test of the deployment of a mechanical model of the slender string.'' ==  ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/els_cruise.pptx]''
== ''"link to the ANTARES online event display” ''(use antares/sablette)'''' == ''[http://www.pi1.physik.uni-erlangen.de/~fehr/online-display/online-display.php]''
== ''power point (PDF) presentation showing the cruise with the RV Pelagia in December 2009  and test of the deployment of a mechanical model of the slender string.'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/km3Net/km3net_PP_WP_B/els_cruise.pdf]''
== ''"link to the NEMO home page”'' == ''[http://nemoweb.lns.infn.it/]''
== ''link to the ANTARES online event display ''(use antares/sablette)'''' == ''[http://www.pi1.physik.uni-erlangen.de/~antares/online-display/online-display.php]''
== ''"link to the NESTOR home page”'' == ''[http://www.nestor.noa.gr/]''
== ''link to the NEMO home page'' == ''[http://nemoweb.lns.infn.it/]''
== ''"Agenda of next KM3NeT meeting in Athens (March 30 - April 3 2009)”'' == ''[]''
== ''link to the NESTOR home page'' == ''[http://www.nestor.noa.gr/]''
== ''"link to the KM3NeT home page”'' == ''[http://novalis.fim.uni-erlangen.de/phprojekt_km3net/summary/summary.php?]''
== ''link to the KM3NeT home page'' == ''[http://novalis.fim.uni-erlangen.de/phprojekt_km3net/summary/summary.php?]''
== ''"link to a neutrino astrophysics web site page”'' == ''[http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=9185#toc]''
== ''link to a neutrino astrophysics web site page'' == ''[http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=9185#toc]''
== ''"link to flaminio's home page”'' ''(html)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/info_1.htm]''
== ''link to flaminio's home page'' ''(html)'' == ''[http://www.pi.infn.it/~flaminio/info_1.htm]''

Latest revision as of 18:07, 17 October 2010

Leaningtower.jpg \\\\\\\\\\\\ LaSeyne.jpg View from La Seyne counting room

This is the KM3NeT-PP wiki main page in Pisa[edit]

Today is the   14  March  2025 
  • one KM3Net-PP: KM3NeT-PP Proposal (pdf) == [1]
  • two == KM3Net-PP: "Annex I - �Description of Work� (pdf) == [2]
  • three == KM3Net-PP: "BUDGET� (pdf) == [3]
  • four == KM3Net-PP: "Signatures� (doc) == [4]
  • five == KM3Net-PP: "WPB Composition� (pdf) == [5]
  • six KM3Net-PP: required-supporting-documents-audit (pdf)==[[6]
  • seven == KM3Net-PP: WPB composition and Emails (pdf) == [7]
  • eight == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 16 2009 WPB meeting (pdf) == [8]
  • nine == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 31 2009 WPB meeting (pdf) == [9]
  • ten == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the June 29 WPB_ASC meeting (pdf) == [10]
  • eleven == KM3Net-PP: agenda and presentations of the ASC meeting - Athens March 15, 2010 (pdf) == [11]
  • twelve == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the March 15, 2010 WPB_ASC meeting (pdf) == [12]
  • thirteen == KM3Net-PP: Minutes of the July 7, 2010 WPB_ASC meeting (pdf) == [13]
  • fourteen == KM3Net-PP: WPB presentation at the October 18, 2010 Rome Meeting (pdf) == [14]

Antares st.jpg ShipAntares.jpg

Nestor.jpg == Nemo.jpg

== link to the ANTARES internal wiki page == [15]

== video clip (mp4) of the deployment and ROV operations for the test of the INFN-NEMO Bar Structure (LNS repository) == [16]

== video clip (mp4) of the deployment and ROV operations for the test of the INFN-NEMO Bar Structure (Pisa repository) == [17]

== power point (PPTX) presentation showing the cruise with the RV Pelagia in December 2009 and test of the deployment of a mechanical model of the slender string. == [18]

== power point (PDF) presentation showing the cruise with the RV Pelagia in December 2009 and test of the deployment of a mechanical model of the slender string. == [19]

== link to the ANTARES online event display (use antares/sablette)' == [20]

== link to the NEMO home page == [21]

== link to the NESTOR home page == [22]

== link to the KM3NeT home page == [23]

== link to a neutrino astrophysics web site page == [24]

== link to flaminio's home page (html) == [25]